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Strangest Foods in Kenya

Strangest Foods in Kenya: Exploring the Unconventional

Many Kenyan dishes are celebrated worldwide, the country also boasts a range of unconventional foods that might raise eyebrows among visitors. In this article, we will take a culinary adventure to explore some of the Strangest Foods in Kenya and most unique foods that can be found in this culturally vibrant nation.

Strangest Foods in Kenya

Termites (Nsenene)

Termites, locally known as “Nsenene,” are a delicacy in many parts of Kenya. These insects are harvested during the rainy season and are commonly enjoyed deep-fried or roasted. High in protein and fat, they are not only a popular snack but also a source of income for some communities.

Fried Grasshoppers (Chapulines)

Grasshoppers, or “Chapulines” as they are called in some Kenyan regions, are another insect-based delicacy. These crunchy critters are typically seasoned with spices and fried until crispy. They are not only a source of nutrition but also a tasty treat enjoyed by many.

Cow’s Blood (Maziwa ya Ng’ombe)

In some Kenyan communities, cow’s blood is considered a traditional and nourishing beverage. The blood is usually mixed with milk and consumed fresh. It’s believed to provide essential nutrients and energy, particularly for herders who spend long hours in the fields.

Ostrich Meat

While not strange in the global context, ostrich meat is considered unique in Kenya due to its rarity. Ostriches are not native to the region, but their meat is becoming more widely available. Ostrich steak, burgers, and sausages are increasingly appearing on restaurant menus.

Roasted Goat Head (Nyama Choma)

Nyama Choma, which translates to “roasted meat” in Swahili, is a popular dish in Kenya. While the concept of roasted meat isn’t unusual, what stands out is the preparation of the entire goat head. The head is seasoned and roasted until tender, and it’s enjoyed for its rich flavor and tender meat.

Crocodile Meat

Crocodile meat is another exotic option in Kenyan cuisine. It’s known for its unique texture and flavor. It is often prepared as skewers or in stews and is considered a delicacy in some parts of the country.


Mursik is a traditional Kenyan fermented milk. What makes it unconventional is its preparation process, where the milk is fermented inside a gourd that has been smoked with the bark of a specific tree. This gives the milk a distinct smoky flavor and aroma.

Boiled Cow Hooves (Ng’ombe Nusu)

Boiled cow hooves, known as “Ng’ombe Nusu,” are a hearty dish in Kenya. The hooves are boiled until tender and then seasoned with spices. This dish is rich in collagen and is often enjoyed for its health benefits.


Mutura is a type of Kenyan sausage that includes a variety of ingredients, including cow intestines and blood. It’s seasoned with herbs and spices, then grilled or fried. It’s a popular street food and a unique culinary experience for the adventurous eater.

Kenya’s culinary landscape is as diverse as its people and landscapes. While many Kenyan dishes are celebrated for their delicious flavors and cultural significance, also offers a range of Strangest Foods in Kenya that may surprise and intrigue visitors. These foods often reflect the rich traditions, resourcefulness, and adventurous spirit of the Kenyan people. For those willing to step outside their culinary comfort zones, Kenya offers a world of flavors and experiences that are both fascinating and memorable. So, the next time you visit Kenya, don’t hesitate to explore its strangest foods for a taste of the unexpected.