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Strange Cambodian Foods

Cambodia, with its rich history and diverse culture, offers a culinary landscape that’s as intriguing as it is delicious. While Cambodian cuisine shares similarities with its neighboring countries, it also boasts unique and eccentric dishes (Strange Cambodian Foods) that may raise eyebrows among the uninitiated. In this gastronomic exploration, we’ll dive into some of the unusual and exotic foods that make Cambodian cuisine stand out.

Strange Cambodian Foods

Fried Tarantulas (Aping)

One of the most famous Cambodian delicacies that often surprises visitors is fried tarantulas. These large, hairy spiders are commonly found in Cambodia and are a popular snack, especially in the town of Skuon. To prepare them, the spiders are cleaned, seasoned, and deep-fried until crispy. While their appearance may be intimidating, many who try them are surprised by their crunchy texture and savory taste.


Prahok is a pungent and potent fermented fish paste that serves as a staple in Cambodian cuisine. Made from freshwater fish that are mixed with rice bran or rice powder, it’s left to ferment for several months. The result is a paste that adds a strong, salty, and umami flavor to many Cambodian dishes, such as soups, stews, and dips. While it can be an acquired taste for some, it’s an essential component of many traditional Cambodian recipes.

Red Tree Ants with Beef and Holy Basil (Mien Char)

Red tree ants, known for their sour taste, are a key ingredient in Mien Char, a Cambodian stir-fry. The dish combines red tree ants with marinated beef, holy basil leaves, and a blend of spices. The result is a flavorful, slightly tangy dish that reflects the country’s resourceful use of local ingredients.


While Balut is more commonly associated with Southeast Asian countries like the Philippines, it’s also found in Cambodia. Balut is a fertilized duck or chicken egg that’s been allowed to develop for a few weeks before being boiled. The embryo inside is partially developed, and the dish is often enjoyed with a sprinkle of salt or various dipping sauces.

Num Banh Chok

Num Banh Chok is a traditional Cambodian dish consisting of fresh rice noodles served with a fish-based green curry sauce. While not strange in and of itself, it’s the unique method of preparation that can be surprising. Traditionally, the rice noodles are pounded by hand, often using a large wooden mortar and pestle, which can be an impressive sight for visitors.

Bamboo Sticky Rice (Kralan)

Kralan is a unique Cambodian dessert and snack made from glutinous rice, black beans, grated coconut, and sugar, all packed inside a bamboo tube. The bamboo tube is then roasted over an open flame until the contents become a sweet and aromatic treat. Kralan’s distinct preparation and presentation make it an intriguing Cambodian delight.

Fertilized Duck Embryos (Somloh Mai)

Similar to Balut, Somloh Mai is a Cambodian street food that consists of fertilized duck embryos. These partially developed ducklings are usually seasoned with spices and herbs before being boiled or steamed. The dish offers a mix of textures, with tender meat, yolks, and bones.

These Strange Cambodian foods demonstrate the country’s culinary diversity and creativity in using local ingredients. While some of these dishes may seem strange at first, they reflect Cambodia’s rich culture, resourcefulness, and love for bold flavors. For adventurous eaters, exploring these exotic delicacies can lead to unforgettable culinary experiences in the heart of Cambodia, where tradition and innovation collide on the plate.


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